counselling and training company
Sales Predaj
Our teams of representatives are actively involved in human medicine specializations, namely: Currently we manage two teams consisting of 10 representatives and we cover the territory of entire Slovakia. We are able to select from our fellow workers database representatives and within two months build and train a new team tailored to the needs of our client. Simultaneously, our knowledge of the veterinary environment contributes to the efficient sales of veterinary division products. |
Naše tímy reprezentantov sú aktívne v rôznych špecializáciách: a máme veľmi dobré kontakty aj medzi praktickými veterinárnymi lekármi. Naše služby ponúkame spoločnostiam, ktoré chcú predávať svoje produkty na Slovensku a v Česku. Znalosť veterinárneho prostredia zase pri predaji produktov veterinárnej divízie. |