counselling and training company


List of our clients and partners with project we have cooperated on or provided for them.


Pharma Business
Hartmann Rico - market analysis, mystery shopping, sales promotion, training
Astra Zeneca - information campaign for the new product
Lohmann & Rauscher - Sales Support for whole potfolio
Egis – education program, training, coaching of the representatives
Gelscom - reimbursement process
Imuna – education program, training, coaching of the representatives, sales promotion
Bausch & Lomb - Marketing project for whole portfolio of ophthalmology products
Sanofi - education program
Pfizer – education program for the medical doctors and KOL
Solvay - education program, company survey, 360 degree feed back
Eli Lilly - education program
Ferring Pharmaceuticals – Education the of representatives and higher management
Novartis - marketing
Merck - serie of conferences for the medical doctors


Pharmaceutical and veterinary pharmaceutical distribution companies
Medart - education program
Pharmacopola - marketing, education program


Other branches
T-Systems (IT- industry) - education for the HR department, corporate culture


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