counselling and training company


Our offer includes professional and complete services:

  • product and market analysis
  • developing marketing activities
  • defining sales activities for field force
We build and train teams of representatives to fill the requirements of our clients, based on their visions and ambitions. Subsequently we manage the teams’ fieldwork.

Medical media also provide organizational support for services related to registration and reimbursement of drugs and medical devices at the Slovak market. Furthermore, our offer includes delivering services and implementing activities required for companies planning to enter the Slovak market.


Pre našich klientov poskytujeme komplexnú službu:

  • Analyzujeme produkt a trh
  • Navrhneme marketingové aktivity
  • Nastavíme kroky pre oblasť predaja

a podľa týchto požiadaviek a predstáv nášho klienta vybudujeme a vyškolíme tím reprezentantov a tento tím v teréne aj riadime.

Organizačne zabezpečujeme tiež služby spojené s registráciou a kategorizáciou liekov a zdravotníckych pomôcok na slovenskom trhu i v poskytovaní služieb a zabezpečení aktivít spojených s príchodom spoločnosti na slovenský trh.